Southwest Double wrap Leather bracelet - product images  of
Southwest Double wrap Leather bracelet - product images  of
Southwest Double wrap Leather bracelet - product images  of
Southwest Double wrap Leather bracelet - product images  of
Southwest Double wrap Leather bracelet - product images  of

Southwest Double wrap Leather bracelet

Its another Double wrap and this time is Stamped using a diamond edge stamped to achieve this design It reminds me of a Native or Southwest design I've see on Blankets

I thens sealed the center areas to hightlight the diamond shape then dyed it using my
Chestnut Tan Hi-lite for a contrast look, a Very distinct and cool look

It can be worn by anyone or any age and a custom color one could be done just send me a message and i will be happy to help
It is 1/2 " wide and closed with a segma snap in nickle
when placing order I need the wrist measuremnt and whether you wear it snug or with ease

Please look thru my other listings hear
or come by my Facebook page to keep upto date on my sales,an special events
Thanks for looking and God Bless

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